You don’t have to be a camo-wearing, paranoid "survivalist wacko" to see the handwriting on the wall … extreme weather events … tinderbox tensions in the Middle East … solar storms headed our way … not to mention a government that’s about to go flat broke…
The Essential Survival Secrets of The Most Vigilant...
Most Skilled…
And Most Savvy Survivalists in the World!
Learn to dramatically increase your odds of safety and comfort ... no matter where you live or what your current resources are ... in this just-released "for ordinary folks" survival manual.

Dear Friend,
The evacuation order came too late.
Nineteen hours before Katrina was due to make landfall, New Orleans Mayor C. Ray Nagin finally announced a mandatory evacuation. But by then, weather experts on television were advising anyone who hadn't left the city to hunker down and ride it out. Phyllis Montana-Leblanc and her husband Ron were still there. So they did everything they could to take precautions. They cooked food, filled the bathtub with water, sealed up the windows with duct tape, and got out the flashlights. The news reports assured them they'd only be without power for three days ... four days, max.
But nothing went according to plan.
Everything fell apart, quickly.
Electricity was lost long before the storm made landfall. Cell phone service was nonexistent. A few hours into the storm, the roof opened up and water poured in. Ceilings crashed from one apartment into the one below.
With winds over 135 miles per hour, Phyllis and Ron left their crumbling building and fled to another nearby that was still standing. Dozens of residents were huddled there in fear and misery. There was little food and no electricity. What little water they did have was blackened with sewage and filth. Phyllis and her loved ones were hostages to nature's fury.
When the storm passed, almost nothing was left behind ... except sweltering humidity.
And that's when the real ordeal began.
Phyllis relates the day-by-day horrors in excruciating detail in her published Katrina memoir, Not Just the Levees Broke. The suffering, stench, and starvation of thousands of stranded citizens in post-Katrina New Orleans defy imagination. The physical dangers all around them were bad enough. The shock of seeing bloated, dead bodies float by, killed by the floodwaters, was worse.
But compounding their misery even further was the continual humiliation of being treated like animals by the "authorities" ... and the hopes that were dashed, again and again, when relief failed to materialize, despite repeated promises. Phyllis and Ron were among the lucky ones. They survived. But not everyone was so lucky. Almost 2000 people died from Katrina and its horrific aftermath.
In the first 72 hours after a crisis, what would you do if you could not ...
- Access your bank account or use your ATM card?
- Use your debit card or credit cards to purchase goods?
- Put gas in your car?
- Use your car at all?
- Make a phone call, including your cell phone?
- Get food?
- Heat or cool your home?
- Get clean water from your tap?
- Remain in your home safely?
- Cook on your stove or in your microwave?
- Turn on the lights?
- Turn on your TV, radio, or computer to get news?
- Call the police in a crisis situation?
- Use your bathroom?
- Get vitally needed prescription drugs?
- Get medical care for an acute medical crisis?

While "only" about 2000 people died from Katrina, millions more suffered through the storm’s aftereffects.
(Same goes for Hurricane Andrew in 1992.) People struggled for months and years to rebuild their lives. Many are still in the process.
Hurricanes aren't what they used to be. Consider these facts:
- According to researchers at the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colorado, the number of category 4 and 5 hurricanes have almost doubled since 1970.
- Atlantic hurricanes have double the destructive force compared to 40 years ago.
- Population along the coastlines has grown by over 20 million during the past few decades. More buildings ... more people ... more impact ... more loss.
But it's not just hurricanes we need to worry about. Both past events and future forecasts point to a greater need than ever to get prepared.
For instance, Wikileaks documents recently revealed that al Qaeda will soon have the ability to create and detonate a "dirty bomb," a mixture of regular explosives and radioactive material. The ensuing panic could easily shut down a major city for weeks or months.
An earthquake along the New Madrid Fault – running for 150 miles between Illinois and Arkansas – would have an impact zone ten times greater than one from California's San Andreas fault. With community awareness levels low, and earthquake-resistant buildings almost non-existent, even a 6.0 quake would be devastating. Seismologists put the chances of a 6.0 at a whopping 40% in the coming decades.
And what about a pandemic? We're long overdue for one. Whether it's bird flu, swine flu, or a terrorist with a vial full of the smallpox virus, we simply are not equipped to deal with an event like this. As a pandemic spreads, schools and businesses would close. Hospitals would be swamped. Food deliveries would be affected and grocery shelves would become bare. Here's what one expert had to say:
Pandemic influenza is not a matter of if it is going to happen. ... The question is when, where and what will cause it. A pandemic is very different than an earthquake, hurricane or tsunami in that it will be worldwide. ... 80 percent of all the pharmaceutical products used in the United States originate in other countries. In a pandemic situation, overnight we'll lose, not just flu drugs, but also most of the drugs we count on every day. We've looked at these supply chains and the ability to maintain them. It's going to collapse, and there are many other supply chain issues.
(Michael Osterholm, Director, Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy and Member of the National Science Advisory Board on Biosecurity)

Sometimes, catastrophes happen without warning.
Other times, they unfold over a period of a few days.
We don't know what the next emergency might be ... or precisely when it will occur ... but we do know that someday, somewhere, something bad is going to happen. Bad things don't just happen to "survivalist wackos."
Bad things can happen anywhere, at any time, to anyone.
That's why, with your permission (and with strict precautions to protect your privacy), we'd like to send you what is, without a doubt, one of the most important survival manuals ever published. You can see why this new book is creating such a stir among survivalists of all stripes.
Here, finally, is your opportunity to learn the essential survival secrets that only a fraction of savvy people ever even think about, much less put into place ... from a 72-hour plan ... to a crisis that lasts for months or longer ... even to a complete collapse of society.
Take the steps outlined in this book and, not only will you have far better odds of surviving, but, compared to most people affected by a crisis, you can actually live quite comfortably. This newly published manual details, step-by-step:
- Exactly what supplies to purchase for your preparedness goals, and why you need them
- Where to get them without overpaying
- How much you can expect to spend, and where you can cut corners
- How to protect your survival supplies from thugs, thieves ... and even the government!
And that's just a quick overview of what's in store for you. This book is called Ready for Anything: The Ultimate No B.S. Survival Manual for Ordinary People ... and it took a frustrated survivalist countless hours of research, relentless sleuthing, and hundreds of hours of hands-on experience to get this streamlined, detailed how-to guide down on paper.
Recently, advance copies of the book were inadvertently leaked out ... and it's already sent ripples of excitement through the survivalist community. Ready for Anything is spurring concerned citizens to action like never before. That's because this must-have manual is packed with practical, vital information such as ...
- The number one survival need and how to prepare for it (see page 24). (Most people's preparations for this are totally inadequate, threatening their health and even their life!)
- Which type of radio will keep you informed even if there's a regional or national communications blackout ... page 147.
- How to access the web even if the government throws the "internet kill switch." See page 149. (Take these precautions ahead of time, or you're out of luck!)
- The hands-down absolute best kind of survival flashlight to get, page 156. (You don't even need batteries for it!)
- 6 often-overlooked sources of water in an emergency ... and how to make it safe for drinking (page 28).
- How to stock a "go bag" and when to use it. See pages 185-190. (You'll also learn how to avoid one of the most common mistakes people make when stocking a go bag on page 184.)
- The 12 most valuable barter items you can have in a prolonged crisis ... see page 193.
- How to turn one pound of food into seven pounds of food ... within 3 days! (Page 71.)
- How to evaluate and choose a pre-assembled emergency first aid kit. (Watch out for this misleading phrase on the package!) See page 102.
- The special kind of dirt that could actually help save your lifein a crisis, page 111.
Ready for Anything: The Ultimate No B.S. Survival Manual for Ordinary People gives you, in comprehensive detail, three levels of preparation. Just choose a preparation track and get started. Everything you need to know is there, with precise descriptions of supplies that you'll need ... where to get them ... suggested suppliers ... and checklists and worksheets out the wazoo to keep you organized and on track. Once you've completed one track, you can choose to stay at that level, or continue on to the next.
The 3-5-7 track gets you prepared for three to seven days of disruptions. Every household should be prepared to this level at minimum. This includes temporary loss of utilities and limited access to goods and services. Think of blizzards, power outages due to storms, bank closures, perhaps major strikes and civil unrest. In a 3-5-7 scenario, all the systems of civilized life are still intact and will be restored. You only need to muddle through until normality returns.
CAUTION: If you think you’re already prepared for the 3-5-7 track because you have a case of bottled water, a flashlight, and a few cans of soup, think again! You’ve probably overlooked a shocking amount of baseline preparations.

The FEND track (Foreign, Economic, or Natural Disaster) gets you prepared for a badly depressed or unstable economy, regional natural disasters, social upheaval, terrorist attacks or foreign wars during which basic services become erratic, rationed, unavailable, or too expensive. The period of time might last for months or years ... and the consequences are at the very least life-altering in a disagreeable way, and at the worst, life-threatening.
The OTG track (Off the Grid) helps you prepare for a time when services and access to goods cease for an indeterminate amount of time. You are on your own! On a day-to-day basis, your very survival can be precarious.
Survival was indeed precarious for Phyllis and her family. If you read her memoir, you'll understand why. Phyllis' Katrina experience, as horrifying as it was, was only a FEND event. It's hard to imagine what might be worse and take us off the grid indefinitely ... but such an event could be right around the corner.
What am I talking about?
I'm talking about what some experts are calling a "solar Katrina" – an EMP blast from solar storms ... (expected anytime within the next few years, by the way) ... that could conceivably take down the entire U.S. power grid for months or years. An EMP event could come from a weapon.
Congress is so worried about an EMP disaster that they actually created a special commission to investigate what could happen. Their conclusions should alarm you. In the Commission's official report, it was stated thus:
"Within two months of an EMP attack or a massive solar flare, between two-thirds to 90 percent of the U.S. population would perish."

Society would collapse without the infrastructure we've come to depend on so greatly. A report issued by the Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank, explains:
"Water, sewer, and electrical networks would fail. Food would rot, medical services would collapse, and transportation would become almost non-existent."
Pretty grim, wouldn't you agree?
It's been said that the difference between society and anarchy is about seven meals. That's why it's so important to make security a top priority at all levels of preparedness. Whether it's looters ... or unprepared and unscrupulous neighbors ... or a government who decides to seize your food supplies for "redistribution" ... you need to know how to protect your home and your family. It's all covered in Ready for Anything. You'll discover...
- Why discretion about your preparations is vital (page 20) ... and what to tell your children about it (page 21).
- Security alternatives to firearms, page 119 ... (If you don't own or aren't willing to use a firearm, these 6 strategies help discourage looters or other unauthorized trespassers.)
- How to store your emergency supplies with a high "pain in the butt" factor to discourage scavengers from poking around in your stuff. (See pages 62-64.
- The "blanket in a bag" trick for hiding food from the prying eyes of authorities, page 64.
- The "peg board" trick to create almost indetectable hidey-holes for survival supplies, page 65.
- Why a fireproof safe is the worst place to hide your valuables in a crisis. See page 137.

... And don't make the #1 mistake that 99% of Americans do.
If you've ever tried to buy bottled water shortly before or after an extreme weather event, you know it doesn't take long until store shelves are stripped bare. They can't truck it in fast enough. That's why savvy survivalists know to have a safe water supply.
In earthquakes, a safe water supply is one of the first things to go. The massive earthquake in the nation of Haiti in 2010 affected over 3 million people. Finding clean water became a huge problem. A cholera epidemic quickly swept the nation. At this writing, it's still not under control, and the death toll – just from dirty water – is well into the thousands.
In February of 2011, a 6.0 earthquake struck the city of Christchurch, New Zealand. Quakes of this magnitude typically aren't too devastating, but this time it was ... because everything in Christchurch was weakened from a 7.0 quake that had struck less than six months previously. One out of five residents were still without electricity from the first quake. Much of the city had still not been rebuilt. The February 2011 event, though not as large, was closer to the surface, causing greater amounts of damage. Water was one of many urgent problems.
In a city of over 350,000, half the residents had water that was contaminated ... while the other half had none at all.
In no time flat, there wasn't a bottle of water left to be had anywhere in the city.
If your local water treatment plant goes offline in a crisis, do you really want to have to cope with survival while in the midst of excruciating abdominal cramps, chronic vomiting, and crippling diarrhea?
Water is one of the "Big Four" when it comes to preparing for a crisis ... and this book shows you how to secure a steady, safe, clean supply of it. Ready for Anything: The Ultimate No B.S. Survival Manual for Ordinary People reveals ...
- How to calculate exactly how much water you'll need for your household ... for drinking, cooking, and personal hygiene (page 28).
- A simple way to stockpile emergency water (page 29) ... and how to keep track of your water inventory so that it's still clean and available when you need it most (see page 216).
- The one piece of water equipment you'll need if the emergency lasts longer than a few days ... it removes all potential contaminants in a single process. (We'll tell you exactly what to look for in its construction on page 32.)
- 4 ways to remove biological contaminants from your water supply, especially if you don't have the special equipment mentioned above. (You get detailed, step-by-step instructions for each method, pages 38-45.)
- The natural substance that purifies water ... it's so efficient that a single teaspoon has the same adsorptive surface area as a football field. (And at 5 pounds for under $50, it's a steal!) See page 45.
Earthquakes ... hurricanes ... dirty bombs ... an EMP event ... these are all sudden, catastrophic events. But not all crises develop so quickly.

What if it's not a sudden, intense, cataclysmic event
... but a long, slow, miserable one?
Many experts and forecasters believe we are at the beginning stages of a slow, steady economic collapse that will have ramifications at every level of society. Throw in another hurricane just half as bad as Katrina, sabotage of a few domestic oil refineries, or a flu pandemic, and the misery index will ratchet up even further. Here's how it might unfold:
First, the dollar collapses
World leaders are already talking about removing the dollar as the world's reserve currency. If that happens, it means that people no longer would need dollars to buy oil.
Demand for the dollar would plummet.
That's a problem, because lately the Fed has been printing more money so the government can afford to buy back its own debt. As demand for the dollar sinks like a cement block down an 800-foot well, the excess money in circulation kicks hyperinflation into high gear. And then ...
Fuel prices skyrocket
If we can no longer buy oil in dollars, we'll have to cough up double, triple, or more per gallon for gas. In the U.S., we produce less than half the oil we need. To ramp up domestic production would take years.
Many economists see fuel prices going up, up, up, even if the dollar doesn't technically collapse. On CNBC's "Squawk Box," one expert refused to beat around the bush:

"We're going to be hitting $12 and $15 a gallon and then, after that, when world oil production goes into decline, we're going to talk about rationing."
Remember the 1970s gas shortage? The hours-long waits for gas and the rationing by license plate number? In a $12-$15 per gallon scenario, the ramifications would be far more painful. Most people would no longer be able to afford to move freely around the country. Prices of all goods would skyrocket virtually overnight because it would cost so much to transport them.
With the sky-high cost of imported oil, and our badly devalued dollar, we simply can't buy enough ... and so rationing ensues, with the government deciding who gets to be first in line. The economy would come to a grinding
As gas becomes scarcer and more expensive, people will go hungry
Forget the charming pictures in your elementary school textbooks of picturesque pastoral farms providing the locals with crops and dairy. Today, our food production is highly industrialized, and centralized by region. And that's precisely what makes the food supply so precarious.
Wisconsin, California, and New York provide most of the nation's milk and dairy. Fruits and veggies come primarily from California, Florida, and Washington. Coffee grows only in Hawaii and Puerto Rico. Meat comes from the Midwest and poultry from the Midatlantic and the south ... and both depend on feed corn from the west and Midwest.
The carrot on your dinner plate likely traveled over 1800 miles to get there. That tomato? Over 1500 miles. Lettuce and garlic ...1800 miles. Corn, 1400 miles. Do you begin to see the problem?
With gasoline supplies severely curtailed, food distribution would become a logistical nightmare. In the United States, food production and distribution are highly concentrated in the hands of just a few giant corporations. That would make them a very attractive target for nationalization. And once the government nationalizes the food production system, shortages and rationing aren't far behind.
We got a taste of rationing during World War II, and it was no picnic. During that war, by the way, people who stored excess food were accused of hoarding ... and many were actually prosecuted. It's not hard to see that in our culture of instant gratification, when we expect what we want when we want it, riots would break out in cities and communities all over the country. And if that happened, could martial law be far behind?
An event like this would be one long period of scarcity and sacrifice, and would take decades to recover from. Only forethought and careful preparation would take the worst of the sting out of it.

Panicked, Passive ... or Prepared?
In a crisis, 10% of all people will panic, endangering themselves or others. Another 80% are passive. They sit and wait for instructions from the authorities or, in their absence, hope someone ... anyone ... will stand up and take charge of the situation. (This, by the way, is what makes it so easy for a dictator to swoop in and usurp power.)
Only 10% of people in a crisis will take intelligent, decisive action to improve their situation ... and when they do, their chances of survival immediately improve. Are you that one in ten? I'm guessing that, if you've read this far, you are.
When you choose to prepare, you're immediately transported out of a state of passivity. You're now in charge of your own destiny, instead of waiting helplessly for whatever may come.
That's the tack Katrina survivor Donald Bordelon took. Having been through a major hurricane as a child, he was determined not to lose his home to the forces of Katrina. A hardworking man of modest means, Donald didn't have a lot of money, and his home meant everything to him. It may not have been the most prudent thing to do ... and you and I may have made a very different decision ... but Donald was a stubborn cuss. He and his wife rode out the storm, even as the floodwaters destroyed the first floor of their home.
In the days and months after Katrina, with no electricity, no running water, and no phone service, the Bordelons cleaned up their home and rebuilt it.
They lived off the grid for years.
Night after night, a generator provided them light and a little comfort. Bit by bit, they repaired their home. Equipped with a problem-solving mindset, some tools, and their generator, Donald and his wife never vacated their home during the renovation. Even without running water, they were able to rig up a shower inside their home. Donald also cut the lawns of vacant properties nearby and fed his neighbors' abandoned pets.
If push came to shove, wouldn't you want to be a Donald? Resourceful ... independent ... and filled with hope for the future? You can be ... but not if you leave things to chance.
Whether you're concerned about a sudden, cataclysmic event like a natural disaster or terrorist attack ... or whether you believe we're more likely to see a long, grim, drawn-out national decline ... Ready for Anything: The Ultimate No B.S. Survival Manual for Ordinary People lets you act from a position of strength, come what may. At $39.99 for a hard copy, we think it's the best bargain you'll ever find. Included with your hard copy version comes a CD with copies of all the checklists and forms found in the book that are invaluable helps for organized preparation. Having them on CD means you can print them out instead of marking up your book or having to hassle with a photocopier. If you prefer, an e-book version of Ready for Anything is also available for instant download for just $29.99. Purchase both versions for $59.99, and save $9.99.
Regardless of which version you choose, in today's economy we don't want you to waste a single penny. Once your book arrives, take plenty of time to soak up the information. Read and reread it. Start your preparations. If, after six months, you're not convinced it was the best investment in your personal safety and survival you've ever made, take advantage of our six-month, no B.S. guarantee:
Our Six-Month, No B.S. Guarantee
If, six months from now, you can't say with confidence that you are better prepared and more well-equipped to face just about anything life may throw at you, then I don't want you to be out one thin dime. Simply return the book and we'll refund every penny of your purchase price.
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Everything you need to know, in detail about the three levels of preparation.

Are you ready to get Ready for Anything? If so, here's what you need to do now. Click the "Buy Now" button below, and it will take you to our secure online order form.
Or, to order by phone, simply call 815-259-4552. Tell the operator you want to order Ready for Anything: The Ultimate No B.S. Survival Manual for Ordinary People. She'll answer any questions you may have, take your credit card information, and rush the book to you.
We will rush you the book immediately, so that you can get started on your preparations without delay. But hurry. Time is of the essence.
Be well,
Bill Heid
President, Powerful Living
P.S. I almost forgot! It's easiest for us to process online orders, so we're running a very special offer right now for all online orders of Ready for Anything. When you order your copy of the book through our online ordering system, we'll also send you a bonus. You'll get a free PDF copy of our special report entitled, Gone Before You Get There: 77 Items You Must Have That Instantly Vanish From Store Shelves In A Panic. It's the perfect companion to Ready for Anything. The regular retail price of this essential report is $40. But just by ordering online, it's yours free!
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